The Art of Home Organization: Balancing Products and Decluttering

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In a world where everything seems to be just a click away, the desire for a perfectly organized home can be overwhelming. As a Professional Organizer, I've heard countless requests from clients and on social media: "Just tell me what to buy to get organized!" It's something that many of us struggle with, hoping that the right product will solve all of our organizing problems.

I did a recent series on TikTok and Instagram called "Organizing Products You Definitely Don't Need (but can be helpful in the right situation!)" The goal was to help demystify the world of organizing products and remind people that while the right tool can be really helpful on your organizing journey, we don’t need stuff in order to get organized. When possible we should focus on not adding more clutter into our homes and always start with the often overlooked but essential step in the process – decluttering.

Let's face it; decluttering is not always the most glamorous part of home organization. We're often drawn in by all the beautiful bins, baskets, and dividers. But, it's important to remember that while these can be incredibly useful, they are not a magic solution. Here's why:

1. The Decluttering Imperative

Before you even think about investing in organizing products, your first step should always be decluttering. Decluttering allows you to take a look at what you have and pare down to what you actually need.

By decluttering, you create a clean slate and reveal the actual organizational needs of your space. In some cases, you might find that you don't need any products at all. But, if you do, don’t forget the next step . . .

2. Measure Twice, Organize Once

Before you go shopping for organizing products you want to be sure to measure your space. It's a simple yet often overlooked step that can save you time, money, and frustration.

Take a minute to measure the length, width, depth, and height of the space you want to organize. I like keeping these measurements handy in my phone's notes app. It makes it easy to refer back to them while out shopping. This tip isn't just for organizing; it can be a game-changer when shopping for decor, too.

It's hard to overstate how much this simple tip will save you time and stress. There are few things more frustrating than bringing a product home from the store, realizing it doesn’t fit the space and knowing you will have to go back to the store to return it. By just taking a minute or two to check your measurements you will save time and money while alleviating both physical and mental clutter.

I even carry a measuring tape in my purse for on-the-go measurements. It's a small tool that can save you big headaches.

3. The Power of Organizing Products

Now, let's delve into the exciting part – organizing products. I'll showcase three areas where they can make a significant impact and transform your space:

Drawer Organization

While you can simply declutter your drawers, paring them down to the essentials, if you are able to add the right organizing products it really brings it to the next level. One of my go-tos are Spring loaded drawer dividers. They’re versatile, great for longer or awkwardly shaped items and help give much needed structure. Use them alongside some drawer organizers to create a defined space for everything. This combination will make maintaining this space so much easier.

Closet Transformation

If you’re looking to level up your closet organizing game, try using matching hangers. They help to reduce the visual clutter and make the space have a clean, intentional look. If you want to go one step further try sorting your clothes by color. And if space is an issue in your closet you can simply pop on these hanging doublers. No installation necessary and they instantly increase your closet storage. Just don’t forget to give your clothes space to breathe, no one likes a squishy closet.

Fridge Organization

The fridge can be a tricky space to keep organized, given its ever-changing contents. For this, clear containers are an absolute game-changer. They allow you to see what's inside which reduces food waste. Adding labels with expiration dates or preparation dates takes it to the next level. Chances are you have some glass mason jars already. These are also a fantastic option for organizing various items.

My goal as an organizer is never to add more stuff or clutter to your home. However, I want to emphasize that organizing products can be incredibly helpful on your journey. It's just that while they may enhance your space, they are not a substitute for decluttering. Always focus on keeping what you truly love, use, and need.